Niagara Christian Gleaners (NCG) – Great opportunity for Thanksgiving

Here is a volunteering opportunity that could interest some families to participate. As many of us prepare for the Thanksgiving meal, world hunger is skyrocketing. If the current trend continues, the United Nations projects that the number of hungry people could reach more than 840,000,000 by 2030.If the issue of World Hunger is important to you and you would like to make a difference, please continue to read and share.

Niagara Christian Gleaners (NCG) is a faith-based Canadian Charity that seeks to make a difference in the area of food waste and injustice. NCG intercepts surplus, nutritious produce from Ontario growers and distributors and transforms it into meaningful food aid that meets the needs of people across the globe who experience food insecurity. Through a commercial food drying process our dried produce has blessed some of the most challenged areas in the world by providing food aid to those who are in need – all at no cost to the recipients. NCG receives no government funding and relies solely on the gifts of others who understand our goals and want to help us make a difference in a hurting, hungry world.

Niagara Christian Gleaners works out of a modern food plant in the heart of Niagara (located in Smithville near Grimsby). Our mission is dependent on an army of excited and enthusiastic volunteers who love what we are doing and enjoy coming alongside something special. The tasks are varied and the work is generally light as volunteers trim and prepare the food for our large dryers. Other food handling and packaging tasks allow us to use the gifts of many volunteers, from many ages including school age children and high school students doing their volunteer hours.

Since beginning production in the fall of 2018 NCG has processed more than 5 million lbs of produce and produced nearly 16 million servings of food. Our grower partners love that we can take their surplus produce and transform it into something that makes such an impact. Through distribution partners like Niagara Warehouse of Hope, Niagara Wells of Hope and others – our food is touching lives in the most impactful way possible. Attached is the complete list of shipments since the inception of NCG.

Please check out to learn more and to find out how you might get involved. You just have to subscribe to the newsletter and then you will receive an update every Thursday about the spots needing to be filled with volunteers for the following week.