
Franco-ontarien and Canadian Flags
Peace Bridge, Fort Erie
Queen's Park, TorontoNOTL Town Hall

Federal Government

Service Canada provides Canadians with a single point of access to a wide range of government services and benefits to all Canadians: families, seniors, students, people with disabilities, newcomers, workers and employers.

Our members of Parliament (MP) elected to the House of Commons are:

Provincial Government

ServiceOntario provides many services including driver’s licences, plate stickers, health cards and birth certificates.

The Government of Ontario is responsible for civil rights, natural resources, social security, health care and municipal ties.

There are 4 Members of Ontario’s Provincial Parliament (MPPs) that represent the residents of Niagara in the Legislative Assembly.

When I retired, I wanted to live somewhere close to nature and lead a healthy lifestyle. - Mark

Regional Government

Niagara’s Regional government is responsible for public health, emergency services, community services, enterprise and resource management, planning and development services and public works.

Regional Government

All twelve (12) municipalities of Niagara provide a healthy lifestyle to their residents and manage, among other services, recreational facilities, community and cultural programs, social assistance and economic development.

School Board Trustees

If you are a Canadian citizen and Francophone, be sure to register as a taxpayer to the Francophone school system of your choice.

Our current school board trustees are: