9th annual Black History Month celebrations

Every February, people across Canada participate in Black History Month activities and festivities that honour the heritage of Black Canadians and their communities.

It is with great pleasure that Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton/Niagara’s Newcomer Services announces our 9th annual Black History Month celebrations to be held on ZOOM Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 6:00pm and Friday, February 25, 2022 at 6:00 pm respectively.

In 2022, the theme for Black History Month is “In February and Every day: Celebrating the History of Black Communities Today and Every day.” It focuses on recognizing the daily contributions that Black Canadians make to our country.

No matter where you live, we invite everyone to learn about these communities and the ways in which they continue to shape Canada’s history. This year’s guests will be Mr. Body Ngoy, a Franco-Ontarian cartoonist known for his comics, and Abel Maxwell, a musical artist and motivational speaker who inspires youth to believe in themselves.


ZOOM Body Ngoy https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIudOuvrDwuHtLc_dcLJEfd7Qt7LOHsj5LS

ZOOM Abel Maxwell https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIoduuopz4vHd0m7Tk-a7aMwquf2u1vZsnI